Thursday, February 8, 2007

Please... give me a break.

Nancy Pelosi is frankly, a big baby.

After being denied her request for a C-32, which is the Military equivalent of the Boeing 757-200. She stated that she preferred to fly commercial if that's what it would take.

She claims this is the only plane that can satisify her security needs, due to the fact that it can fly coast to coast without having to refuel.

Tell me, what have you done that would require you eliminate any fueling stops throughout the US?

It was deemed an extravagance that the taxpayers would find hard to swallow.
You bet they would. Why would I want to pay for her to fly across the country in a jet she doesn't even need, when a smaller plane would work just as well?

Former House Speaker, Dennis Hastert flew on an Air Force commuter-size plane and had no problems at all. Wonder what the difference is? Did I mention he's a Republican?

In an interview with Fox, she claimed the denial was due to her criticism of the war and of Donald Rumsfield. She said, quote, "There are probably those in the Department of Defense who are not happy with my criticism of Secretary Rumsfeld, the war in Iraq, other waste, fraud and abuse in the Defense Department, and I guess this is their way of making their voices heard."

Give me a break and act your age, for pity's sake.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Security Crackdown in Baghdad.

What has long been needed hopefully is beginning.

Within the last 5 hours, US, Iraqi and Coalition forces have begun a crackdown that will hopefully pave the way for even greater assertion of power.

It's been too long since we've given the insurgents any retribution of substance.
It's been too long since we've given any indication of having any sort of backbone.

We are the most powerful nation on the planet, why have we been made impotent by politicians? Why do people such as Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha and Hilary Clinton feel they have to make our country weak?

We are NOT a weak country, we've have survived since 1620 when the first Englishman stepped off the Mayflower.

We never gave up, even through Valley Forge where George Washington never gave up faith and courage.
In 1776, 56 men put their lives, their comforts, and their fortunes on the line. They signed a document known as the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."
Words that changed the face of the world, and brought forth the greatest nation on earth.
We survived the slaughter of 500,000 American men for the sake of unity in the civil war.
We lost nearly5 million men in the wars this country has fought.

They were not fighting simply to win honor or glory. They were not fighting be recognized as one of the greatest fighting machines on earth.

They fought for one purpose; to defend their country, their freedoms, and their families.
They fought to protect what is right, the rights to live freely, to speak freely.

They fought so that you can burn a flag. So that you can ridicule them, call them names, spit on them. So that you can throw your freedom in their faces.

Do not give into the Liberal way of thinking.
This country was birthed through war and opposition. Did we turn tail and run?

If everytime something came against us that we didn't like, we would not even exist as a country.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Homosexual's turning the way of the Communist?

A petition calling for heterosexual couples to prove they can concieve and bear children in order to receive their marriage licsence is being pushing in Olympia, WA.

It calls for couples who do not have children within three years of marriage to have the union annulled and all benefits erased.

Their reasoning? They say that anti-gay activist reasoning for banning gay marriage is linked to the point that homosexual couples cannot have children.

So, they say if we're going to say that they aren't a 'real' marriage because of the lack of procreation, then all other marriages that do not produce children should be null and void as well.

It has nothing to do with whether they can have children or not, it comes down to a point of freedom. Who are they to come into our lives and tell us that we are wrong and that we have to accept them?

Our lives are not to scorn or spite them, our lives are the norm. Don't attack us for being something you cannot be. We excercise our 1st Ammendment right just like you.

Just because you feel like you're a victim doesn't mean you are one.

Is the world full of (oxy)morons?

A simple definition of oxymoron is two words forming a compound word that have completely opposite meanings. i.e. Civil War, smart blonde, and etc.

It seems to me that perhaps the biggest oxymoron of all is "bipartisan media".

The names I. Lewis Libby, Judith Miller, Valerie Plame and Dick Cheney have saturated the media over the course of the last few months.

People are finding it hard to believe that a White House aide would know the name of a CIA officer. Why do we not find it hard to believe that a New York Times reporter knows the name of a CIA officer? Would one not think that perhaps something is wrong?

How does a woman with no security clearance, no working connection with the State Dept learn the name of a top secret organization's employee?

Yet, a man who has worked in the White House and is an aide to President Bush is being ostracized and put on trial.

Judith Miller refused to give the name of her source, despite Grand Juries and subpoenas, why is she not on trial for obstruction of justice and perjury?

How does a man like Tim Russert get away with asking Libby about Plame on national television? Shouldn't that raise a red flag? Sure, Libby may not have the clearance needed to know Plame's name, but Judith Miller and Tim Russert certainly do not.

Wait, did I mention that Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson is an open critic of the Bush administration? Ah, now we get to the heart of things. Of course it's a cover-up, you know what the liberals are thinking.

They (the White House) has a vendetta against all who disagree with them. Let's turn the tables on them, let's get even with them for being upset about our Op/Ed letters and articles.

Why don't we leak classified information to a reporter, ensure that she does not have to reveal her source, and make Dick Cheney look like a traitor. Oh, and while we're at it, let's take down I. Lewis Libby.

In other news, a former Border Patrol Agent was beaten in prison, according to family and a congress man. Ignacio Ramos was sentenced to prison for shooting an Illegal immigrant and known drug runner while he fled back across the border into Mexico, and then lying about it.

What a world, eh folks?