Friday, March 16, 2007

/Me rant.

Normally, you find a topic, a link to a webpage and a current event posted here.
Today, you find none of the above. What you will find is a rant against everything I don't think is right. As you may have gathered from previous writings, I'm fairly opinionated and tend to be verbal in my disagreements with popular ideas.

We'll start with my current favorite; racism.
I hold to my 1st Ammendment Right to Freedom of Speech.
I have never called myself a bigot, a racist, or a white power promoter. I have a varied ethnic background that does not include (that I'm aware of) a member of the African-American race.
I have experienced racism myself, from members of the black community, I do not hold it against them, for ignorance must be ignored and will not allow myself to stoop to that level.
I have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Palestinian, and many other Nationalities.

But, why can a black person perform some type of predjudiced act against someone of any other race and be justified, while a white person is labeled a bigot?
From what I understand, a White person can be barred from gaining entry to a "Black Professional Originzation", but one could not keep a black person from any other sort of "Professional Originazation."
They have the NAACP, the ACLU, and the Rev. Al Sharpton, Jackson, and the like.
Other races are not afforded this opportunity, and it is considered "racist" for them to want something of this nature.

President Lincoln once said, "Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged."

Hillary Clinton. John Kerry. Nancy Pelosi. Ted Kennedy. Harry Reid. John Murtha.
Where is the support of our military personnel? Why do they insist on wreaking havoc among the nation? They have ripped the morale of this country apart, they have promised to do all they can to sabotoge the very means of victory. They have no idea what it's like to live in a tent in the desert. They have no meaning of the word sacrifice. To them, it means choosing the slightly less expensive entree' or riding in a gas-guzzling SUV as opposed to flying to their next press meeting or campaign party. They 'want to do what's right for the country'. Tearing it apart is not the answer. The people of the United States are too impatient, we're the reason we have politicians shredding our dignity. We are a generation of people unused to waiting for anything. We wanted a quick fix in Iraq, just as happened in Afghanistan.
But people fail to remember what precipitated Afghanistan. We had just been attacked. We had just been forced to watch as hundred of our fellow Americans jumped to their deaths from the World Trade Center. We watched in Horror as American flight 11 and United flight 175 crashed into the Twin Towers. We learned later that United 93 had been crashed into a Pennsylvania field and American 77 had crashed into the Pentagon.
We lost 2,973 men, women and children in this attack. We demanded Justice.

In a sense, Iraq was the same; a call for justice, although not our own. Justice for the Iraqi Nation, for it's men, women and children so that they might enjoy the same Freedom we do.

Next up on the agenda; Media.
I cannot say enough about the blatent flouting of justice that has been exhibited by the American Press. They thumb their collective noses at classified information acts, at demands for secrecy and openly display what they know to the world.
The amount of classified information that has passed through the presses, boggles the mind.
I have no respect for anyone that would betray their country for personal gain. I'm not talking about selling secrets to Russia. I'm talking about selling secrets to the New York Times.
Must we tell everything we know? Do we not realize that they read our magazines and newspapers too? We are our own worst enemy. The Freedom of Information means nothing is sacred. When will we understand that some secrets are meant to be kept? That our enemies are real? Did we not learn anything from 9/11?

I'll end up this very long rant with this,

There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure. -Dwight Eisenhower

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